Table of Contents

About the CREDO instrument


Schema of the CREDO set-up

Main components

X-ray source GeniX3D Cu ULD beam delivery system (Xenocs SA, France)
Detector Pilatus-300k hybrid pixel position sensitive detector (Dectris Ltd, Switzerland)
Motor controllers TMCM-351 (sample and beamstop) and TMCM-6110 (pinholes) integrated controller & driver for stepper motors (TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG, Germany)
Vacuum gauge TPG-201 Pirani gauge (Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH, Germany)
Thermostat Haake Phoenix IIP circulator
Control software CCT, Tango, Sardana


Quantity Value Comments
Attainable $q$-range 0.019 nm-1 to 30 nm-1 Corresponds to 320 nm to 0.2 nm (Bragg's law)
Typical beam size at sample Circular, 1.3 mm diameter Optimized for 1.5 mm capillaries for aqueous samples. Can be lowered to 0.7 mm
Sample-to-detector distances 76 mm to 2800 mm
Typical X-ray intensity at sample, short distance 5 × 106 photon/sec
Typical X-ray intensity at sample, long distance 2-8 × 105 photon/sec
Vacuum approx. 0.05 mbar Full beam-path vacuum; can be divided in case of vacuum-intolerant sample environments
X-ray wavelength / energy 0.1542 nm / 8048 eV Cu K$\alpha$ radiation
Collimation 3 pin-holes Pin-holes are Pt-Ir electron microscope apertures from 150 $\mu$m up to 1250 $\mu$m
Required sample quantity for liquids at least 20 $\mu$L
Required sample quantity for powders a few mgrams
Required sample quantity for solid plates at least 3×3 mm2 with controlled thickness if absolute intensity measurements are desired