Quantity | Value | Comments |
Attainable $q$-range | 0.019 nm-1 to 30 nm-1 | Corresponds to 320 nm to 0.2 nm (Bragg's law) |
Typical beam size at sample | Circular, 1.3 mm diameter | Optimized for 1.5 mm capillaries for aqueous samples. Can be lowered to 0.7 mm |
Sample-to-detector distances | 76 mm to 2800 mm | |
Typical X-ray intensity at sample, short distance | 5 × 106 photon/sec | |
Typical X-ray intensity at sample, long distance | 2-8 × 105 photon/sec | |
Vacuum | approx. 0.05 mbar | Full beam-path vacuum; can be divided in case of vacuum-intolerant sample environments |
X-ray wavelength / energy | 0.1542 nm / 8048 eV | Cu K$\alpha$ radiation |
Collimation | 3 pin-holes | Pin-holes are Pt-Ir electron microscope apertures from 150 $\mu$m up to 1250 $\mu$m |
Required sample quantity for liquids | at least 20 $\mu$L | |
Required sample quantity for powders | a few mgrams | |
Required sample quantity for solid plates | at least 3×3 mm2 | with controlled thickness if absolute intensity measurements are desired |