HUNSAS stands for the Hungarian Small-Angle Scattering Network, a joint effort between the most prestigious Small-Angle Scattering instruments of Hungary. Its main goal is to facilitate the communication between small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering methods and allow their broader acceptance in Hungary and the region.
The Hungarian Small-Angle Scattering Network was established to facilitate the joint efforts of small-angle scatterers in Hungary and its closer neighbourhood. Although the methods of SAXS and SANS were not unknown in the region, measurement demands had to be satisfied until recently by application for beamtime at larger research facilities abroad, because the infrastructure in this country was inadequate, antiquated or completely missing. With the construction and commissioning of CREDO, a SAXS instrument of high international scientific standard, and FSANS, a focussing small-angle neutron scattering beamline, the possibility for inland SAS measurements appeared, which is expected to boost the scientific throughput and effectiveness of the method in the region.
HUNSAS aims to provide a common entrance to small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering techniques, building on the many years of research experience of the staff participating infrastructures. With a common proposal system for beamtime application, it enables researchers to take better advantage of the available research infrastructure, thereby also increasing the throughput and scientific impact of the SAXS and SANS instruments. Members of the network publicize the possibilities of the research methods involved in academic and industrial circles by organizing workshops or educational programmes, in order to spread their knowledge among Hungarian researchers and raise the standard and impact of their research.
The network also motivates the participating institutes for the constant improvement of their research infrastructure to achieve and surpass internationally high standards.