The basic layer of the data acquisition system of CREDO is the Tango Framework developed by the Tango consortium including various large-scale facilities such as ESRF, DESY, ALBA, Elettra, MAX-IV, Soleil, Solaris and many more.
The Tango Controls framework provides reliable and distributed access to all parts of the system, be it software or hardware. The corresponding, custom-made device classes are here.
The Sardana project is the next tier of the cake. Being developed for controlling synchrotron beamlines at ALBA, its macro system and data acquisition primitives gives solid building blocks for our instrument control program. Our extensions (macros, controllers etc.) are accessible at the Sardana-CREDO GitLab page.
Finally, various graphical user interface utilities and other orchestration, processing and miscellaneous tools are contained in the Credo Control Tool (cct) project.